Lucozade Energy: Inspiring Chain-Reaction Interview Serie


The Challenge

Lucozade Energy tasked The Fifth to create a thought-provoking “chain- reaction” style interview series that would leave this audience feeling motivated and inspired.

The Solution

We got up close and personal with 6 influencers, revealing their top tips and tricks for staying positive by focusing on three key themes:

– Inherited advice
– Lessons learnt the hard way
– What they’d like to pass on

Set in a place where our talent felt most energised and inspired, each video featured two of the talent, with one interviewing the other. At the end of the video, the task of interviewing was passed onto the interviewee, as they opened a bottle of Lucozade Energy to reveal the next person in the chain.

The Outcome

A highly engaging and innovative campaign that lived across the talent’s social and IGTV channels. Silver winner for ‘Best Video Series’ at The Content Marketing Association Awards 2020